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TI-H multi frequency by Elma Germany

Elma TI-H series Ultrasonic Cleaners – Made in Germany

The Elmasonic TI-H multi frequency series ultrasonic cleaners are designed for the industrial user. The TI-H series use a special cavitation resistant stainless steel tank.

Ultrasonic cleaning is being used across a wide range of industries – Aviation, Medical, Jewellery, Industrial, Dentistry, Laboratories… to name a few…

When a customer is considering ultrasonic cleaning, he usually wants to be sure of the effectiveness of the cleaning process to his specific application.

To assist our customers Techspan Australia offers a cleaning trial service, where we can ensure correct cleaning fluids, solution temperatures, cleaning cycle times and a number of other factors are considered and optimised.

Video Elma TI-H Cleaning Trials

Here are a couple of video clips showing two different cleaning trials.

Buy Elmasonic TI-H series ultrasonic cleaners here….